Frequently Asked Questions

Blockhead TV was initially conceived, by musicians, as a way for unsigned original artists (musicians, singers) to get their videos shown to a broader audience than they would otherwise have been able to reach. We have expanded our content and will have specified programming to include other ‘artists’ as well. There are talented dancers, comedians, magicians, chefs and more, all of whom have video material that deserves to be seen. Blockhead TV hopes to be “the bridge between obscurity and stardom.
We use a secure online payment processor and currently accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and PayPal.
1. Must be in HD format (1920×1080 or higher) 2. Artist/s must be unsigned. All videos must be six minutes or less any videos longer than six minutes must contact info@blockheadtv.com for applicable rate
$49 each video (6 minutes or under).
The video will play on rotation for one month, unless Blokhead records has interest in the artist at which time blockhead records will contact the artist.